Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jeefo Virus Win32.Virus Jeefo?

Win32.Virus Jeefo? - jeefo virus

Recently I tried my computer against viruses. The use of Ad - Aware, I found a virus that has never seen or heard, as Win32.Virus Jeef. Please can someone explain how this virus can affect my computer? Or is it a way to eliminate Win32.Virus Jeef?


nard said...

Win32.Virus.Jeefo try to infect executable files on the hard drive. If infected, you need to run anti-virus software to remove the infection.

Check this link for the summary, technical details and the elimination of the virus. ...

Also download the latest scan program from Lavasoft Ad-Aware and your computer.

programm... said...

Check it out

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