Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Games Stroke Victims If He Wanted To, Jeff George Could Come Back And Rule The NFL With His Powerful Skills. So Why Doesn't He?

If he wanted to, Jeff George could come back and rule the NFL with his powerful skills. So why doesn't he? - games stroke victims

I mean, Jeff George was a gift, which God gave to the NFL in the 80s. Jeff George, and was also a man comapssionate. Sometimes you only use 40% of its powerful capabilities, because he felt sorry for other teams. I want to come back and dominate, and 100% of its capacity. It can launch a bomb from 90 yards for a touchdown, his eyes closed, while drinking a beer and Whistlin Dixie. He did it once in San Diego and suffered 14 other people in the stands, a stroke. 2 of stroke had a stroke, even before he starts the game just at the sight of Jeff George out of the tunnel to enter the field.

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