Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Photo De Log Dong Silver What Do You Think Of This Breed?

What do you think of this breed? - photo de log dong silver

I get a dog in May next year, and I think I'll really an Azawakh. What do you think of this race? I spoke with two farmers of good reputation and rightly so, and I read a lot about them.

Here are some links if you are not familiar with the dog

Kel Simoon

Idiiyat the Sahel

Azawakh Timbuktu ...

Photos: ... ... ... Me ...

Tell me what you think

And yes, there ought to be that thin.


Loki my springer! said...

I think they are beautiful dogs! But they are among the races where you need to know that they love. It is a shame, really, how people just judge of the race, before the information.

Many breeds, including their Chinese Crested, Pitbull and Doberman too fast and a lot of rude comments made about them assessed. I say GO FOR IT!

You know that dogs be prepared for, but for the rude people that your dog is underweight. They are beautiful looking dogs and I am sure that if you explore this, I think they have the greatest personalities! : D

REAL Cuteness .... ...

MJF said...

They are good dogs forecasting. I personally am not interested in dogs with dominant temperaments natural - I have in the past (Akita) was, and since the jury of dogs with this tendency, as a dominant dog can be very stressful if you get unlucky with aggressive tendencies . I hope you get one of those dogs that are willing and able to be strong enough to get you online.

♥ ♥ FaeGoddess♥♥ said...

Very nice dogs, but my opinion is very interview. They seem to be many questions, and other health problems can have access. In the combination of puppies in the "A" can not lose more than 10 years? Becoming vulnerable to disease and state of sin in my opinion, but if the money and the patience of your own race, then I say go for it. Good luck

cmspotts... said...

I always wanted Azawakh, because they are very intelligent, but with preservation of the cat, as the people who are weak in the preparation of the things that they are energetic and elegant. I love greyhounds as well, and since these guys had Salukis (race of my all time favorite), I strongly support! : D

CzechFol... said...

Dogs of thinness, but they are still beautiful!

Dogmom CA said...

I think if you are a marathon runner, you have chosen the right dog.

Superkewl Jackie said...

This dog is too anorexic for me personally. lol

sopyso said...

looks very thin!

bzzflygi... said...

The Azawakh have to stop ears like a pendulum and a director of the Hound soft pear-shaped with one. The first link will be sent not loaded, not everyone believes the way for me, but the brown and white, not like an Azawakh. In the third element in the structure of the head hurts. But the second link had some dogs Nice.

Batgirl: show dogs on the second link the race as a natural part of the world, remember that those who are suffering from malnutrition in the background. This is where the race comes, which can be large and Newfoundland-Saint-Bernard breeding in one part of the world who do not provide enough food for the plot so bulky. Greyhound dogs are able to withstand the conditions under which they may have their origin. I agree thatSome of these images are much thinner than I would see in this race, many links, the image of dogs in a modern setting of the weight they should be.

Batgirl7... said...

Oh, my God! Photos of dogs in the second connection is terrible! Dogs are thin, Link! This is not a feature of the race, but a sign of starvation and neglect. Why even after this? Forget that you should get this race to know where these F * ckers idiots who these dogs on the brink of death, the race and report! It is an abuse!

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